Soon, the end of the year, a few changes are in order

canadian blog awards

Winner GLBT category

I was reading Austin Kleon’s blog,

the other day,

I like Kleon,

he wrote two books,

that I read and very much enjoyed,

this year:

Steal Like An Artist and Share Your Work,

pleasant, easy, short, thought provoking books.

The blog entry,

was about how people spend December,

reflecting on the past year,



is a month to work and create,


a month like any other.

I agree with him,



I am reflective and retrospective,

by nature.

I have made a few decisions,

in the last few weeks,


they are part of ,

what I am calling,

in my mind at least:-)

the great end of year clean up.

It really won’t be,

that sweeping,


I am implementing some,


I will spend less time on social media,

because contrary to some,

of my friends,

I don’t multi task well.

I will spend more time reading,

I have allowed myself,

this year,

to be distracted,

by things and people,

not all that,


of my distraction.


off goes,

the phone and the face book,

at least during the hours,

that I write and edit photographs.

I will spend time with people,

I want to spend time with,

who’s company I enjoy,

people who reciprocate,

people I have a real connection with,

because as a friend of mine says,

I am not Mother Teresa,

and trying to fill the chasm,

left by my anarchist,

is an impossibility.

I have a few,

precious friends,

I think they know who they are,

I also have many acquaintances,

people of like interests,

people who spending time with,


enriching or fun.

Gone will be the dementors,

A Harry Potter reference, the guards around Azkhaban prison, they suck the soul and energy out of people who attempt to escape or enter, we all know and have dementors in our lives

life is too short,

for people,

who make time pass,



This might,

for some of you,

be in the category of,


Not so for me,

I have,

my whole life,

been a magnet for truly odd,


that’s fine,

I am not the most conventional sort,



there is a difference,

between odd,

even argumentative,



soul suckers.

I like people who push me,

to think,

to reflect,

who challenge my complaisance,



‘who knows where they come from’



I cannot abide,

people who ‘evangelize’,

‘explain’ what is good for you,

tell you that your opinions,

are ignorant,

because they are not,


To be clear, lots of ignorant opinions out there and we should all change our minds about countless things as we grow, learn. I am not closed minded, stubborn and argumentative, sometimes, sure, but, not closed minded.

Lack of respect and not taking responsibility,

for one’s actions and words,

blaming bad behaviour,

and inconsiderateness,

on problems or a hard life,

has it’s limits,


for me,

it does.

So this end of the year,

more reading,

more writing,


No time for Dementors or Polly Annas,

if that sounds selfish or judgemental,


Have a great one.

Later girls,













Author: Bookish Butch

I am a bookish butch in my mid early fifties. I live in Montréal and always have. I used to run a small used bookstore. Reading keeps me sane. My latest jiggie is photography, book project in the works, living the dream

2 thoughts on “Soon, the end of the year, a few changes are in order”

  1. Your post has reminded me that I am happier when I have removed the Facebook app from my phone. So I just did. Thanks for the reminder.

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