Ah yes,
another sunny day,
I think it might actually be Spring,
for real, this time!!!
This time of year is lovely,
it does create it’s challenges,
dressing wise,
too warm for the wool sweaters,
too cool for the light cotton ones,
time to put away,
the down jackets,
the wool caps,
out with the Irish driving cap,
in with the baseball caps.
I’ve lost some weight,
in the last few years,
some of my,
favourite things,
look ridiculously big,
on me,
my L.L Bean chambray shirt,
looks like I borrowed it,
from someone who is heftier,
don’t get me wrong,
I’m no svelte butch,
still more than chunky,
the gut, the gut, the bloody gut,
but, I am slimmer than I was,
need some Spring and Summer wear,
thing is,
I don’t really like Summer clothes,
I’m a Fall butch,
I need some lighter,
I don’t do sandals, white, white feet, dirty, dirty streets, nope no sandals.
So in the spirit,
new paths to take,
increased heat,
down the road,
the ole butch,
looking for a job!!!!
I picked up,
what I hope will be,
a perfect middle ground,
Made of Italian leather,
slimmer profile,
than the desert boot,
rubber sole,
made right here in Canada,
I think they are awesome,
These are Roots tribe chukka boots,
they are slimmer from the front,
What do you think?
You like?
Nice huh?
So now all I have to do is,
resolve the shirts issues,
oh sweet Chambray shirt wherefore art thou
Did I mention I have the weekend off,
silly butch,
that’s me.
Have a great Sunday.
Later girls,
***I’m taking my boots out for a walk***