I’ve been reading…

Hello you all,

we had another heat wave,

last week,

I am just now,



I hate the hot,


sweaty heat.

It’s over now,

it’s gorgeous,


not sticky,


end of Summer.

I’ve been reading,


what a relief:-)

got all the way through,

Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements Of Propaganda,

by Noam Chomsky,

small book,

a series of talks he gave.

Much easier to get through,

than his more scholarly offerings,

it was most illuminating,



The war against the people by the powers that be, well worth reading and looking into, next I am taking on Howard Zinn.

Perfect read to accompany,

the Canadian Federal Election.

My night time,

before bed,



Alison Bechdel’s ,

Are You My Mother?

A brilliant and dense read,

that requires,

taking your time,


both the words and the drawings,


on so many levels,

it’s brilliant,

nothing she does is not brilliant to me,


Funny, the other day,

I saw a story,

on Face Book,

about how some,

freshman students,

had refused to read Fun Home,

her graphic memoir about her dad, on his closeted homosexuality, that has since been turned into a Tony award winning musical.

because it didn’t represent,

their beliefs.


this wasn’t at,

Oral Roberts University,

this was Duke!!

Gobsmacked, as the Brits say.

Why the hell do you go to College,

if not to expand your world view??

How much,

mysoginistic and racist crap,

do we read,

in the course of our education?

The purpose of attending,


is to expand your world view,

your mind,

push yourself,

bring into question the stereotypes,

the unquestioned ‘beliefs’,

part of the propaganda that Chomsky ‘speaks’ of but, also the myths and folklore and indoctrination of- family, of ethnicity and social class and standing, amongst other barely questioned , beliefs

learn about the world,

about yourself,



that’s what I think,


I am frequently told,

I am naive,

and I never graduated from College,

so what do I know??


I know that reading Fun Home,

or anything by Alison Bechdel,

is funny and thoughtful.

This I know.

My metro,

our name for a subway here in the beautiful ugly 


is a spy thriller,

by Graham Greene,

Stramboul Train,

takes place on the Orient Express,

between the World Wars,

from Ostende to Constantinople.

It is a small  portable book,

fits in the backpack without,

too much weight,

easily bookmarked when arriving,

at my stop,

you can pick up and leave off,

without too much difficulty.

Peopled with,

all kinds of interesting characters,

I’m pretty sure those,

Duke freshman,

wouldn’t read it,

there is a lesbian journalist,

a chorus girl,


any number of sketchy characters.

I like it,

it has it’s anachronisms,


I don’t hold that against it.

Be well,

stay well.

Later girls,