The humidity is back.
I can’t sleep I’m so tense and honestly, I”m exhausted.
The pipe problem is fixed. Hallelujah.
A minimum of damage,
it’s a little bit smelly but, everybody says they can’t smell it.
I am known for my bionic nose,
remember Jamie Summers, the bionic woman,
very hot, especially when she moved her hair to engage the bionic hearing.
Sorry, sex on the brain, this too shall pass.
Quiet week not much going on, except on thursday going out,
for I hope, multiple brewskies with a friend.
It’s called drowning you sorrows. Good company, sparkling conversation and beer.
Can’t finish anything,
I got a woman on the brain.
Rejection sucks, but, hey,
I still got my health,
and friends.
Sorry girls, full moon talking.
I think I’ll take a break.
Later girls