It's September, oh yeah,
my favourite time of year,
weather is great,
a little cooler,
still sunny,
the time of year for long walks,
The time of year of new projects,
new beginnings,
buckling down,
getting it done,
deep thinking,
planning, the time 'til,
Well for me it is...
Lots has been going on.
Got a new job,
similar to the old one,
but better pay,
more professional.
I liked my old job,
I was really good at it.
It and the people I worked,
allowed me to get through,
some difficult times,
rebuilding my health,
rebuilding some of my,
they are closing,
it is a place of,
complacency of frustration.
I had become,
there is no joy,
in complacency,
there is no growth,
in complacency,
there is the illusion,
comfort and stability.
I need to be shook up,
I need to be a little bit,
pushed out of my comfort zone,
or at least to,
switch off,
the automatic pilot.
This new job is in the same,
general field,
vastly different.
I have much optimism,
and some fear,
I don't think it will be,
an enormous challenge but,
stimulating at first.
I also am doing some,
volunteer work for,
the municipal elections,
here in my 'hood,
in my beautiful ugly.
I believe when you care,
about your city,
your environment,
your fellow citizens,
social equity and solidarity,
you must at the very least vote.
And every once in a while,
roll up your sleeves,
make some calls,
put up posters,
hand out flyers,
give money,
I am doing some,
communications stuff,
very limited in it's scope,
but, I am a vast believer in,
every little bit helps.
The party I am involved with,
are progressives,
the real deal.
I am taking an online class,
blogging and digital marketing.
I will be finding a way to renew,
my literacy mentoring.
I will continue my spiritual quest,
my becoming a greater part of a community,
that I love.
We will be doing another Alpha class,
at St-Jax's and also what has been dubbed,
tent theology.
It isn't going to be like,
tent revivals,
give me that old time religion,
give me that old time religion
more like we all meet to discuss,
some theology, discuss issues of faith,
listen to theologians,
live and on video,
work those intellectual muscles,
and then we take the tent down,
until we pitch it the following week.
I can't tell you how much,
I look forward,
to it.
I feel so at home in my church,
loved, welcome, part of the family,
and I feel that more,
all the time.
During the service we discussed,
the books of Ezra and Nehemiah,
both in listening and talking,
listening to our pastor,
and in small groups,
discussing the messages of these books.
Our group hadn't found much,
we found these books to be filled,
with chaos, violence etc.
Often at St-Jax's the microphone is,
brought to those who wish to articulate,
what their group has come up with.
This time, since it was the,
welcome back from Summer service,
Graham, our wonderful pastor,
asked us to introduce ourselves,
so I did, and I shared our group's,
and then I added my own difficulties,
with the angry and rigid old testament God,
the kinder and gentler almost hippie like,
New Testament Jesus,
I shared how as a new church goer this,
gave me pause.
This contradiction, this dichotomy,
An angry father and a benevolent 'brother'
supposedly one and the same.
I realize this is a simplistic version,
I am learning, wrapping my head around all this,
questing, still
Afterwards, we had our community lunch,
and several people told me they really liked,
what I said,
that they felt similarly.
It allowed me, sharing did, to make,
new connections.
I read the week before,
don't ask me where, lol,
that humans think that others,
want to see them,
as strong and above,
But in reality, we are closer to each,
other and truly connect,
we open up,
share, make ourselves vulnerable,
Food for thought, eh?
So yeah, September has been,
and will continue to be busy,
stimulating and scary
May your Autumn be joyous,
enjoy the last of the golden warm sun,
bite with full gusto into the harvest,
and have a great back to school, work,
all of it
Be well dear friends,
Later girls,
Author: Bookish Butch
I am a bookish butch in my mid early fifties. I live in Montréal and always have. I used to run a small used bookstore. Reading keeps me sane. My latest jiggie is photography, book project in the works, living the dream
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