It’s been a hard week,
I haven’t slept well,
nothing worse than not sleeping,
I don’t care what anyone says,
no matter how we try to spin it,
you can catch up on chores, reading, you have time to think, etc
Fact is,
you can’t do any,
of that,
when sleep deprived,
you’re stupid,
you can’t concentrate,
your body hurts,
you’re sluggish,
you’re cranky,
you’re touchy,
and on,
and on,
Those of you,
who have this problem,
this bout is better,
last night,
I slept like,
a log,
a rock,
passed out.
the same small worries,
and minor irritants,
as yesterday,
no sweat,
bring it on,
I am butch,
hear me roar:-)
No more whinning,
well for a bit,
I’m reading four books,
at a time,
can’t do Canterburry Tales,
must get modern English translation,
requires more concentration,
than I have had,
so does,
Prison Memoirs Of An Anarchist.
I’m reading,
The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad,
a brilliant novel,
about a real live Anarchist plot,
also Maugham’s Writer’s Notebook,
to explore what goes on,
in the mind of a great Writer.
The Secret Lives Of Somerset Maugham,
by Selina Hastings,
last week’s movie,
made me want to learn more,
about him,
and a new Lesbian Romance,
by a first time writer,
that I will reviewing for,
Kissed by Venus,
more about that soon.
The grey weather is slowly,
and if I can sleep,
a few more night’s,
bookish butch,
might be bookish,
once again.
Later girls,