An intelligent, caring, open minded bunch of people.
This year we are reading an erudite,
yet, accesible book.
Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking On Water and Loving The Bible Again
Just as an aside, I would encourage those of you, who are seeking, to attend an Alpha group, or a Supper(Dinner) Club near you, you just might find what you are looking for, and if you don’t, you have a nice dinner in pleasant company, sure beats loneliness- IMHO.
My new church has lots of social stuff,
lots of it appeals to mom and I.
There are community lunches,
there are dinners,
usually one a month.
They are well attended and reasonably priced,
lots of work behind the scenes makes all this possible, volunteers the backbone of any church
My mom enjoys the dinners and lunches,
lots of really nice people,
many of whom belong to her generation.
Last Saturday,
we attended the roast beef dinner,
it was an anniversary dinner,
our church is the result of the unification,
of three parishes.
The fomer priests,
(Anglicans like Catholics use the term priest),
the bishop and many people ,
from other parishes in and around our neighbourhood,
were in attendance.
Mom and I sat with some lovely people,
who I go to church with and,
people I didn’t know.
For those of you who have never met me, I am a friendly type, I talk to people, I introduce myself, I laugh loudly, I like people and as a rule, they like me.
I sat next to this older lady,
who smiled and announced that the next day was,
her birthday!
I, of course, wished her happy birthday,
and we started to chat,
after a few minutes,
it became clear to me,
that she was a little confused,
she had memory issues,
no matter, I made small talk,
and answered,
what turned out to be the same questions,
quite a few times.
We all had wine,
ate our roast beef dinner,
and then there were a few speeches.
At one point, this lady,
leans over to me and says,
‘That priest is married to a guy you know?’
So I give her a beaming smile and say,
‘oh yes, he sure is’
She says ‘and you like him, they like him here?’
So I say ‘oh yes, he is well liked and respected here’
This image has nothing to do with loneliness, it is an orange cat wearing a flat cap and a turtleneck, me as a cat, minus glasses and quite a few pounds, it makes me smile, that helps.
Hello you all,
hope all is well in your part of the world.
The weather has been hard to take, here, in my beautiful ugly,
I don’t cry except while watching movies or pampers commercials,
it isn’t an ‘I don’t want to’ kind of thing, it’s a ‘I can’t’ kind of a thing,
I wish I could, it would make things easier,
I would cry,
get rid of the pent up,
and move on.
I do get angry, I rant, I seethe, I mosltly walk it off,
but, not always, I get impatient,
with my mom, with my cat, with the people I love,
like anything going wrong in my life is their fault.
I get impatient, I get angry, I can’t say what I mean,
it comes out garbled, it creates conflict,
it creates hurt, it creates more silence from those,
who I so desperately want to talk to, hear from, share with.
Someone like me, someone who prides herself,
on communicating is doing a mostly crap job at it,
I feel paralysed with heartpain, with loneliness.
I have always had friends, I still do,
I think I overburden them in my desperation to talk,
I end up going on about the crap in my life, I catch myself,
and try to bring it back to the positive,
and there is tons of positive, from the sweet messages I receive,to the hand delivered mince pies, to thoughtful gifts from people I barely know, party invites , taken to Broadway shows, invited to brunches and coffees and on and on,
I am blessed and I am loved ,
and I am,
It isn’t anyone’s fault, it’s circumstance,
maybe it’s me being weird(a distinct possibility)
I have spent most of my adult life,
talking, to customers, clients, colleagues,
and now, well, I don’t work,
the cat isn’t much of a conversationalist,
and my mother,
went to the Gary Cooper school of self expression,
Yup, Nope, I don’t know.
It is hard , I feel rivers of words raging to get out,
when I can, converse, I feel I overdo it, I talk too much,
I babble, I bore people, or fear I do, so I hold back,
and feel bad.
Last year, an acquaintance who I hoped,
would become a friend said I was never happy,
it wounded me, so much, I could have cried,
I had opened myself in the hopes of sharing, connecting,
I probably was being a bore, so I stopped talking.
My blog, has always helped me…get it out.
I can’t afford therapy, this is close as I get.
I share it on my facebook etc, so that, those of you,
who feel the hurt, the loneliness, the rage,
and occasional what the f*** am I going to do,
will know,
you aren’t alone.
Be well,
you all,
Later girls,
p.s. please don’t feel you have to pep talk me or find me a solution, really. But, thank you
In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow, in the bleak midwinter, long ago. traditional hymn based on a poem by Christina Rosetti
This time of year is most difficult for me,
from November to Christmas.
It is bleak, dark, cold, all is shades of grey,
I am grey.
I get more cheerful at Christmas and,
feel a surge of optimism as,
the New Year approaches.
Fact is: I dislike Winter and when I am unhappy,
I am most unhappy in Winter.
I can hear the pro Winter types now,
you need to embrace Winter,
you need to get outside,
get sporty,
I have this to say: you like Winter?
I am happy for you.
I have lived in a Winter,
snowy, slushy, black ice,
cold, very cold, f****** cold, city ,
my whole life,
I think I know a thing or two,
about Winter,
and you know…I don’t like it.
I think snow is pretty,
I have a warm coat and boots,
but, I don’t like it,
I bear it and,
I dream of escaping it,
every Winter,
yup, truth.
I will bear it another Winter,
but, this new decade,
this I am excited and optimistic about.
It’s been a rough year, exhausting, physically and emotionally,
and for all of you who have been there with me, with us,
thank you.
I need to do something different,
I am happy with the class I am taking,
I am happy about things I have done,
this past year,
Alpha at my new church,
working for elections canada,
helping out with the Charter Poets,
staying home with mom,
helping her recover,
but, she is recovered and now,
I have to get going.
I had hoped to work with my church,
but, I don’t think that will be,
I will continue to volunteer,
and be a member of the community,
but, I need a paying job,
one that is flexible,
that allows time to take mom,
to doctors appointments etc.
It needs to be part time,
it needs to produce decent income.
I may need to make my own job,
who knows.
A few years ago, around my fifties,
I learned to say-No.
I have let that slip in the last few years,
I have made compromises,
that I thought were necessary,
I had no choice!
That isn’t true,
we always have choices,
we need to choose ways,
that don’t make us sick,
that don’t leave our stomach,
in constant knots.
We need to choose our truth,
love and friendship,
not close enough facsimiles.
We need to live our lives,
our lives,
not what others or society,
think our lives should be.
We need to listen to the deep yearnings,
of our hearts, our souls,
we need to believe in ourselves,
in what we are called to do,
even if we aren’t quite sure,
what that is
So although it is the bleak midwinter,
and this is a bit of a rant of the same old same old,
from me,
I feel ok, I am moving forward.
Please don’t worry,
but, thank you for caring.
My lordGod, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end.Nor do I really know myself …Thomas Merton Lead Me
I figure if Merton, a brilliant, accomplished and Godly man, could be confused, so can I, so can you.
Hello all, it’s been a minute since I wrote on the blog, I started a few drafts, I wasn’t happy with them, so I let them lay there. This morning, I deleted the drafts. 2019 is almost over and here comes another decade, the 20’s (I wonder if flappers will make an appearance) It’s been a hard year , really hard. My mother was ill, we dealt with it pretty well, she is mostly back to normal, but, it takes it’s toll, physically and emotionally. I am grateful that we are there for each other and that in spite of everything we are still standing.
Work and lack there of, has been really hard. For the first few months, mom needed me at home and I was pretty much constantly worried, it changed our lives. I was home all the time, she was home all the time, it was hard emotionally and financially, I didn’t have a job and I couldn’t find one because at first I couldn’t leave her and then, I was too worried to leave her.
Not working is hard, and not just in, the obvious ways(lack of money and dependance) but in many other ways, in more subtle ways, you feel less than, you feel a certain shame(you know you shouldn’t, but you do) A 54 year old woman, reasonably intelligent and well read.You tell yourself it is temporary, but, every day you lose a little more confidence in yourself and in the future. Even your faith at times is…not enough.
People have been there for me, the ones you can always depend on, the ones who drive you to the hospital, the ones who pick you up, who take you to breakfast, who invite you out and always say’ my treat’. There are others, who you don’t know well but who reach out and ask how you are, how’s your mom? and who genuinely listen, who have been where you are, in despair and the unknown, who know about aging parents and illness. There are also people who feel uncomfortable with people in crisis, who want you to get on with it, get a job, any job, your mom will be fine, go to welfare, no shame in that!
In the Spring I started seeing a sort of guidance counsellor and then a career counsellor , it helped with my confidence level. I changed churches, the new one was closer, their social justice ministry resonated with me, I liked the no nonsense salt of the earth people in the congregation and around the church. I have been there a while, I am happy there, feel accepted and hope to contribute more.
I have also been taking a seminar type class, EFM(education for ministry) I love it, lots of reading, lots of delving deep into scripture as a lay person. In a few months I have grown to really appreciate the people in my class, and the mentors who lead the class, they are good people.
I had a contract woking for Elections Canada, I liked it, it was exhausting but, I liked it, met lots of people, a lot of them were nice people, it helped. I was hoping for something else but, it hasn’t worked out.
I went to lunch with a friend today, she listens. I told her, you know, I have been lucky in many ways, friends, family, I have been gifted through good genes and providence with a decent intelligence and an ability to make friends, to talk to people, I like people, they like me.
So here comes 2020, right around the corner. I wish you all Happy Holidays and a most joyous New Year, let’s hope it’s a good one without any fear. If I could make one request, next time a friend tells you things are tough, they are sad, listen, don’t brush it off, don’t try to find a solution, I know we all want to find solutions, just listen…sometimes people just need to be heard