Hello everyone,
I hope all is well with you.
It has been mighty hot,
in my beatiful,
but, it is gorgeous right now,
clear sky, cool breeze.
A majestic Summer evening.
Tomorrow, I am doing the second part,
of my first aid class.
I have packed a lunch,
cheese and pickle sandwich, cherry tomatoes on the side,
I have prepped some overnight oats,
for breakfast.
I trimmed my hair,
did some laundry…
worked a pretty full day…
I have been busy lately,
I haven’t been sleeping well,
my mind is working overtime.
I think I really need my vacation.
This year,
I am thinking of going,
digital free,
during those,
last two weeks of August.
I have become,
dependent, addicted,
to my phone,
I even get a little twitchy,
sometimes when I am charging it.
Surely, leaving it at home,
charged and checking my messages,
once a day,
will be good for me,
disconnect, detox.
I know some of you,
who have a very public life,
do that,
at Christmas and on vacation.
I have never done it.
But, I am thinking,
I need to.
I am pretty spent.
I need to charge my batteries.
I need to spend time,
with my girl,
with my friends,
with myself and my thoughts,
I need to go to a ball game,
the movies,
the museum,
botanical garden,
and not tell everyone about it,
here or on social media.
Yeah, that’s what I am going to do.
Thoughts? Have any of you all,
attempted this?
You happy with the outcome?
Let me know.
In the meantime,
keep enjoying your Summer.
Later, girls,