Hello everyone,
I hope you are all healthy.
Happy is relative , healthy is good.
Mom and I are both healthy,
and keeping our distances,
from others,
in order to stay that way.
We are in the apartment,
most of the time,
we attempt to distract ourselves,
we color, we play Yaghtzee,
we watch classic films.
We keep ourselves informed,
and try not to let dread and fear,
overwhelm, us.
Some days are tougher than others.
I worry more,
as the one who goes out,
and gets supplies,
so I try to keep home.
I must say,
zoom has been,
a Godsend,
it has allowed,
participation in church,
services and meetings,
my EFM class has carried on,
as a result as well.
I text my friends,
have received some,
phone calls from family,
and people who I had not been,
in touch with,
for quite some time,
I have reached out ,
to people, just to make sure,
they are ok.
Hard to hold stupid grudges,
when people worldwide are,
isolated and fearful.
When you can’t walk to the cafe,
browse the bookshop,
shoot the breeze with shopkeepers,
hug your friend for her birthday,
stroll down Ste-Catherine street,
in the hustle and bustle,
this is my version of what I miss,
yours would be..
I miss church,
I pray,
we meet on Wednesdays on zoom,
talk over coffee,
it’s pretty good,
it lacks intimacy but,
it’s fine.
So many people have been,
so creative in finding ways,
for us all to connect,
On Monday night,
I participated in a improv passion play,
I was the bad guy,
it was intense,
a new experience for me.
Brave New World,
stay healthy, stay home,
save lives.
Love to all of you.
Be well you all,
Later girls,
p.s, got a new (refurbished) laptop so I expect to be writing more, again