All I want for Christmas…

Hello all, hope you have all been having,  a wonderful December, that your lead up to Christmas,  and or whatever holiday, you celebrate  is joyful and reflective, that you are in, a happy place or a growth place.

This has been a growth year for me. It may not have gone exactly as I wished, but, that isn’t how things work.

Yiddish proverb

I have had a pretty wonderful year, truthfully. I met tons of new people.  I learned lots of new things. I discovered new things I was good at, and a few that weren’t right for me.

I spent quality time with, my family, with my friends, with God.

I got to grow older, a privilege which is not given to, everyone.

In a lot of ways, it was a year of milestones, teaching, and getting,  how really hard, that is, renewed respect for teachers.

I got to speak at my church, about my journey in faith, a wonderful experience. The preparation, the love and support, I received. It was a great season in my life.

On St-Jean at St-Jax’s  photo credit Graham Singh

I spent time in small groups, a new experience for me. I had  moments of difficulty, with certain passages of scripture, gay people can,  easily be and feel, excluded in the Christian faith, in any faith. It is challenging.

But, being Gay is challenging, everywhere, even in the most ‘liberal’, of  circles. This is not a complaint, these are facts, many people think gay people are less than, some of them use scripture to keep people excluded, but, I can tell you, as a relatively new Christian, homophobia is no more common among Christians than it is among the general population. I am not one who is easily victimized, I am a confident and relatively well read and spoken individual. But, just like there is much sexism in the world, the whole world, there is perhaps even more homophobia. I believe in being who I am, not in your face and not shrinking violet, who I am- no more than, no less than.

I met new people who share the same hopes, the same dreams.

I think I have learned what I don’t want, I don’t want to go backwards. 

So, what is it I want for Christmas?

I want world peace, but, I will settle, for my family all getting along and speaking to each other. I would like to have those who have gone, back with us, but, I will rejoice in the memories, some good, some bad. I would like to really know what I am meant to do, but, instead I will be patient.

I want to wish all of you, the best of the season. Joy and love, family, friends, song, and compassion for our fellow humans. Let us all have fun, eat, drink and be merry and let us be grateful for all that has been given to us.

and a little child shall lead them

Merry Christmas

Later, girls


I don’t need easy, I need meaning

Hello All, hope you are all well,
gearing up,
for the Christmas season,
and not very long after,
the New Year.

As you know, I loathe November,
but, December, well, 
I like December,
Advent, Christmas, 
the music, the food,
family time, church,
warm fuzzy feelings,
I love December.

It's been a rough month,
I have had migraines,
I have quit two jobs,
I have been confused,
I have prayed for guidance.

I have spent the last few months,
doing lots of reading,
of scripture, of theology,
growing in knowledge,
of my faith, 
also growing in confusion,
as to what I am called to do,
what God is calling me to do.

In the past couple of weeks,
it has become clear to me,
that I have been,
my time and my gifts,
in the work that I do.

I sort of ignored it,
and that's when the migraines,
hit, big time.

So, I quit the first job,
felt less stress,
got another job,
figured it would be ok,
it was for a day or so,
and then wacko headache,
blinding pain.

So, now, I have embarked on,
a new journey,
for the next couple,
of months,
at least.

I want to use my gifts,
for writing,
for speaking,
I want to combine them,
I want to develop them,
I want to hone them.

I don't expect it to be easy,
I don't need it to be easy,
I want it to have meaning,
I want it to make a difference,
in my life,
in the lives of others,
I want to share my journey,
my particular perspective,
because I believe,
a tapestry of perspectives,
is required.
In growth,
In life,
In faith.

I am blessed,
have been,
and remain so,
in my entourage,
my mother,
my girlfriend,
my bff,
my church friends,
some of whom, 
have become family.

Thank you all, readers and everyone else,
for reading, for listening, for being there.

Be well, God Bless

Later girls,

I Loathe November

If you like November,
the coming of Winter,
everyone marches to,
their own drummer.

I loathe, November,
it isn't mild dislike,

I know many wonderful people,
born in November,
people I love dearly.

November is also a month,
where dear loved ones,
have gone.
My most beloved grand-maman,
on November 1 st.

She has been gone more than twenty years and,
yesterday I was talking about her, 
my voice cracked and tears welled in my eyes,
November makes me sad, makes me long, or the past.
Which is silly the past is no better than the now or the tomorrow,
my mind, knows that but, my heart...

I loathe November, it makes me feel cold,
it makes me feel old,
it makes me feel vulnerable.

November makes me grumpy,
November makes me worry,
for the future,
In November I often make,
wonky decisions.

But, I'm a big girl, I live with 'em

November is grey,
cold, damp,
without the charm, joy,
and hope of December and January.
November sucks

Enough said.

Be well you all.
Later, girls,

On respecting the joy of others

Good afternoon you all.

Hope all is well with all of you.

This has been a busy and a bit of,

an odd Summer.

I have travelled,

well, my version, day trips and excursions over the border,

quite delightful, baseball games, beer, seeing towns, museums,

undiscovered country,  spending time with my bff.

I have also visited with family,

been on rides to the country,

soaked in a little nature.

I wish it would be cooler so mom and I,

could hop around the city,

but, I guess that is what ,

late September and October will be about.

Walking for long distances,

has also been difficult,

scorching heat, not great in the city.


My work situation has been complicated,

but, now seems on the way to resolution.

I had expected to work at the English worshops,


but, the proposed schedule and amount of hours,

just not doable for me,

we are parting ways on the best of terms.


So, that left my current part time gig,

which I am ok with,

the pay sucks but the people are nice,

the work is hard.

I have a line on something else,

pays better, more flexibility,

fingers crossed.

The work I do receives little respect,

people say rude things, gratuitously.

What happened to civility,


garden variety,


I ask myself that question,

several times a week.

But, what bothers me more,

is when people I know,

acquaintances mostly,

permit themselves to question,

my life choices,

permit themselves to judge,

to denigrate even,

my work,

my beliefs.



if you have it,

you are considered a bit of a nutter,

a knuckledragging Cro Magnon,

who doesn’t believe in knowledge,

science, reason.

If you believe in God,

if you attend church,

practice a religion,

practice makes perfect

You are suspect, deluded, even,

this is the common amongst secular views.

But, I would also say that the religious side,

also has judgy views,

about what makes people good Christians etc.

about the interpretation of scriptures, holy texts.

I see it as:

the clash of the Orthodoxies.

And it doesn’t only apply to religion,

it is political as well,

good liberals believe X,

good conservatives believe Y,

and never the two shall meet.

Honestly, I think that orthodoxy,

and narrow minded one camp thinking,

is what divides the world,

contributes to “us against them” crap,

that leads to hate,

to war,

to violence,

and destruction,

of our planet,

our world.

Trying to find common ground,

walking in another’s shoes,

working hard on banishing judgyness,

and respecting others,

not happiness, joy,

and eventual bliss.


I have been thinking a lot,

about this subject,

I have been angry and hurt about it,

which is why it took so long,

to begin to formulate cohesive thought.

I still need to cogitate on this,

much food for thought.

Enjoy the waning Summer my friends ,


the coming Fall,

my favourite of all seasons

Be well.

Later girls,


Ontario Peaches and the Dog Days Of Summer

Today is hot and muggy,

it seems I have said,


thought that,

a lot, this Summer.


But I had cereal for breakfast,

with blueberries,


Ontario peaches.

Ontario peaches

happy sigh

they may very well be,

the best part of the dog days of Summer:

plural noun
  1. the sultry part of the summer, supposed to occur during the period that Sirius, the Dog Star, rises at thesame time as the sun: now often reckoned from July 3 to August 11.
  2. period marked by lethargy, inactivity, or indolence and extreme heat, when you live in the beautiful ugly!!

Sort of a life analogy,

you need  to deal with,

slightly unbearable,

roasting heat,

in order to have juicy, sweet,

complex and almost wine like,


They are my mom’s favorite and my friend, the anarchist, couldn’t get enough of them.


I have had that kind of Summer,

extreme heat, lethargy, crankiness,

and beautiful experiences.

I had a lovely mini vacation,

with my best bud in the Adirondacks,

it was great.


I had an opportunity to co-lead,

a series of discussions,

on theology at my beloved St-Jax’s,

it was an enriching experience,

it also comprised it’s share of challenges,

some of which were not so pleasant,

but, on the whole,

it was awesome, a chance to learn,

to discuss, a chance for fellowship,

for community.


I have thought a lot this Summer,

maybe even more than usual!

I have read a ton of books,

mostly theology.

I have spent a lot of time,

trying not to overthink things,

with various levels of success,

I have prayed and reflected,

I have worked hard on patience,

with myself and with others.

I have struggled with scripture.

In it’s meaning, but, also reconciling,

the parts that condemn me as a Gay woman,

with the message of,

love and acceptance that is the Gospel.


On Sunday at church, the former rector,

shared her journey in faith, it was beautiful.

She spoke of her Granny and of our roles as,


And later that evening I attended ,

a Pride mass at Christ Church cathedral,

as I listened to the Homily,

the penny dropped

I have been attending church,

participating, praying, but, I have never,

taken communion.

I was baptized in the Catholic church,

as an infant so technically I could,

take part.

But, I didn’t want to,

until I felt sure.

No one ever pressured me,

and I have always felt loved , accepted,

but, as I sat there and listened to,

the beautiful, personal, testimony-homily,

I knew.

The light went on, it is time.


I hope that all you understand,

that I do not share this to preach,

to evangelize.

I share to share,

writing this blog has always been,

about sharing , about thinking out loud,

in the past, almost two years ,

my quest has been spiritual,

a quest for meaning,

for truth and joy,

thank you for allowing me to share.

Be well, my friends

later girls



My love-hate relationship with Face Book

Hello all, hope you are,
surviving the heat.
We have had some major oppressive,
here in Montreal,
leading up to the 1 st of July,
Canada Day,
and the week following,
wow, killer,
45 degrees Celsius with the Humidex.
Dangerous weather,
a constant need to stay,
hydrated and cool, 
people can die.
Drink lots of water, people.

When it's that hot,
I get cranky,
everyone does,
we don't sleep well,
we don't have much of an,
Annoying situations,
I think Spike Lee's film,
Do The Right Thing,
illustrates that, 

That really isn't the right time,
to have passionate disagreements,
on text message or on Face Book.

In the last three years,
I have had,
major disagreements,
with two friends and a good,
on Face Book.
Heat wave notwithstanding,
the first two, were not in Summer,

Face Book, did not create,
the disagreements, the situations,
but, social media did exacerbate it.

Here's my theory, which you might,
think is hogwash,
or a lame attempt at justification.

Social Media,
can bring out great things in people,
it helps in connecting with people,
all over the world,
it mobilizes people to action.
It helps publicize situations,
injustices, good causes,
it helps break isolation.

It can also, reinforce mob mentalities,
people are convicted and,
drawn and quartered,
without ever being tried.
Just as it can be an instrument,
for good,
It also magnifies, amplifies peoples faults
It brings out the petty,
in all of us,
people end up,
'saying' things in nasty ways,
in feeble attempts at witticism,
and scoring points, 
tabulated by likes.

Sometimes, we forget our manners,
common courtesy, civility, even,
sometimes we cross lines that ought,
never to be crossed.
But, that is the last straw,
there usually has been a whole,
series of events that lead to the,
thing that drove you batty,
and made you unfriend and block.

Maybe it's me, maybe others don't,
experience this, but, I sort of doubt it.

All this to say, there are some things,
I cannot tolerate,
hatred of any kind,
masquerading as... whatever.
I have a low tolerance for sarcasm,
for condescension, I don't like to,
play mind games or hurt people's feelings.
I am far from perfect,
I do however expect friends to cut me slack,
as I do for them.

As someone who is rarely part of groups,
I fear mob mentality,
and have real issues with smug righteousness.
I wrestle long and hard with myself,
about my motives, my prejudices,I try to overcome,
to grow.

So this is how I have been feeling lately,
hot, pissed off about some things,
and very happy and grateful about other things.

Be well

Later girls,

From the heart

Hello all,
hope all is well.
It's summer here,
in my beautiful ugly.
This weekend is supposed,
to be a scorcher, but, so far,
the weather has been fine.

I am taking a little time off,
hanging around the city.
Reading, resting, 
spending time with mom,
with friends.

My vacation to,
Upstate New York,
was wonderful,
really helped me relax.
It was gorgeous.

On this past Sunday,
I gave my talk,
at my beloved St-Jax's.
The creative team asked me,
a few months ago,
I accepted because,
I felt I had something to,
share and that just maybe,
it would speak to someone else.

I worked on it,
it was very much,
a 'from the heart' talk.
As I mentioned in my previous post,
I was nervous about the talk.
I am always nervous about,
speaking in public.

Since last weekend was,
a long weekend,
here in Québec,
La St-Jean, la fete nationale
the first of two,
this week is Canada day
I expected a small crowd,
vacation size.
I had invited mom,
and my bff to be there,
a couple of friends who,
I invited accepted,
a few refused,
it's okay,
some people really have,
issues with churches,
I get that, really.

It was a fair size crowd,
I felt a lot of love,
support, interest.
I was prayed for,
most people arrived.

My friends at church,
the pastors,
they are good people,
open minded, kind,
they like me,
I like them.

Sometimes, I feel responsible,
for representing gays, lesbians.
That's not something,
I feel I am qualified to,
really do, I am just me.
But, just like people came out,
in the 80's, 90's etc,
it's important for people,
to see,
that their,
brothers, sisters, tailors,
hairdressers, mechanics,
favorite Olympian,
neighborhood jerk,
and the person who sits,
next to them at church, 
are perhaps,
or as the younger crowd puts it,

Personally, I like to be known,
for me, not because I am gay,
or a Québécoise or an Anglo.
But, I am not naive enough,
to think that people don't,
make snap judgments based,
on appearance, attire.
So,if I can contribute to,
the good reputation of,
the LGBTQ community, and to,
the Christian community,
I am down with that
A Christian gay person,
who is taken at face value.
I am lucky, to live here,
in my beautiful ugly,
and to have found the perfect church,
for me.

Thank you,
for reading my ramblings.
More to come, soon

Be well, you all
Later, girls

A great time in my life

Hello you all,

apologies for being away for so long.

I have been super busy.

The end of the term at the community center.

Both my English conversation,


my numeracy classes are done.

I may go back in September,

it’s all a bit up in the air, which is fine.

Will happen what will happen.

Que sera sera

For now,

I am taking time off,

a couple of weeks.

My work is done.

Things at church are going to calm down,

for the Summer.

Alpha is done this week,

back in September I expect.

A few of us are getting together,

a bible study group.

My talk is written and submitted,

now all I have to do is,

deliver it.

I’m a little nervous about that,

I admit.

My church, means a lot to me,

it’s important that all go well.

I have great faith that it will.

I am riding a wave of gratitude,

mellowness, right now.

I just got back from a mini vacation,

my bff’s birthday present to me.

We drove to Upstate New York,

went to Cooperstown,

to the Baseball Hall Of Fame,

which is absolutely wonderful,

even if,

you aren’t a baseball fanatic,

the history, the importance of baseball,

culturally speaking.

So much to see,

I loved it.

Brought back many memories,

of childhood and adolescence,

the Expos, sigh.

Gary Carter, Andre Dawson, Tim Raines,

all in the hall, on the wall of plaques.

I loved Gary Carter, it was emotional,

to see his plaque,

Jackie Robinson,

who played with our Royals ,

before he integrated the big league,

with the Brooklyn Dodgers,

way before my time but a part of our history.

The room on Women’s baseball,

the Negros leagues.

The Hall of Fame,

is a place of joy and history.

The photo gallery and art exhibit,

are marvelous.

Cooperstown is a small town,

very nice.

We saw many lovely small towns,

driving up to Cooperstown,

some have fallen on hard times,

but the people are nice,

and you sense resilience.

Lake George is gorgeous,

the Adirondacks are truly beautiful,

it was so good to get away,

see different things,

spend time with my best friend,

the view of Lake Oswego as you,

emerged from the motel room,


This is a really good time in my life.

I will tell you all about my talk next week.

Until then, enjoy the sunshine.

Be well

Later girls,



Eventful week

Hello all, hope you are feeling,
and, full of,
An eventful week, this past week.

Firstly, it was my birthday,
I turned 53,
a meh kind of a number,
but, a nice birthday.
I received a lot of love,
from my mom,
from my girl,
from my friends,
from my students,
much cake and food,
restaurant and beer outings,
a really nice birthday.

On May 19 th, my dad would have been,
80 years old.
Ours was a complex relationship,
difficult, even, at times,
but, I loved him.

On May 19 th,
Prince Harry of England,
married Meghan Markle,
an American actress.
I'll let you in on a secret,
that is,
not so secret,
I love weddings,
I love royalty,
I know,
makes no sense but,
I, like,
all humans,
the simple and the complex,
am a walking, talking,
breathing, thinking,
mass of contradictions.

I am what I am
And what I am needs no excuses
I deal my own deck
Sometimes the aces sometimes the deuces
It's one life and there's no return and no deposit
One life so it's time to open up your closet
Life's not worth a damn till you can shout out
I am what I am-song from La Cage Aux Folles(Broadway musical)

I had a really good long weekend,
lots of rest, lots of traveling,
time with the one I love.
I traveled to Ottawa by train,
and it was my intention to read,
on the train,
it was noisy,
high pitched voices,
made my eardrums throb,
and I felt my annoyance level...
I am not one of those people who can,
listen to music and read at the same time,
reading is quiet time for me.
Also, my free Spotify has expired:-)

So plan B,
I had a load of podcasts,
on my phone.
I used to listen to podcasts,
about fashion, menswear, 
a major source of interest in my life,
but, kind of- been there, done that.

Over the past six months, or so,
I have become fascinated with,
a series of You Tube videos,
The Bible Project,
they also have a web page,
and a podcast, this is good stuff.
It is content for the curious,
the searching and questioning,
smart and stimulating content.
As I scrolled through the,
available episodes,
I tunes suggested another podcast.
It's called : Exploring My Strange Bible.
Tim Mackie is a theologian,
professor and,one of,
the creators of The Bible Project.
He is from Portland, and so, very close,
to my sensibilities, in lots of ways.
I listened to four one hour podcasts,
on the Psalms and how to pray them,
through fear and pain,
through confession and doubt.
My mind has been blown.
One of the things,
I enjoy most about,
my Christian journey,
aside from the sense of peace and the friendships
is the intellectual aspect,
the philosophical stretching of my mind.

My investigation and quest,
are truly, a Godsend

Be well,
all of you.
Later girls,

Last night at Alpha…


Good morning all, 
hope your part of the world,
is bathed in light and Spring...
I love Spring,
not that we do Spring so well,
in my beautiful ugly,
but, still,
I love it

Last night was,
at church.
I know I have written,
about Alpha before,
but for those of you,
wandered over to this,
very personal blog of mine:

is a series of videos, discussions, shared meals,
it is a 'course',
a place,
to ask questions,
about faith, Christianity, Jesus,
our purpose, meaning.
Very deep subjects,
in a welcoming setting.
The videos are high caliber,
well written, thought provoking,
with a note of humor,
this is not preachy or pedantic stuff.
If you have ever had questions,
about faith, about God,
this is a good stop,
the investigative path.
It has been for me.

A year ago,
I participated in Alpha,
for the first time.
Church was a new thing,
for me.
I knew I felt well and at peace,
in church,
I felt welcomed.
solidified my sense of belonging,
it also set me on a course,
of reading and questioning,
it helped shape some of my questions.

Fast forward a year and I am,
participating in Alpha for,
the second time.
I have grown in my faith in this, 
time, so much.

Reading, prayer, worship,
all has helped in building my faith.

Those of you who read my blog,
know, that mine is not, 
an unexamined life.

I reflect, ruminate, 
less and less,
obsess about,
my life,
it's direction,
it's meanderings.

Church, Alpha, faith,
has helped me be much more,
centered, calm,
filled with peace.

I do realize this might sound,
a little bit cooky to some of you,
but, hey, works for me

I have been asked by my church,
to speak,
to share my journey of faith,
it has been very present in,
my thoughts

Have a wonderful day, you all,
be well.

Later girls,