Feeling… Fergus

This isn’t my dog,

I don’t have a dog,

never really been,

a dog person.

ok, that sounds weird, I like dogs, they are sweet, they are fun, they, apparently, help you to live longer.

I just saw this dog,

I am calling him Fergus, to me, he looks like a Fergus

on Facebook,

and thought,

Fergus looks,

like I feel.

I feel not myself,


a little,


I feel like,

I don’t know,


It’s beautiful and sunny,

and then cold af,

windy and rainy,

this is how my emotions,

are right now,

my confidence,


back and forth.

I mean,

I am thrilled to be,



a beautiful apartment,

that I can afford,

in my neighbourhood,

a better part of it,

with my friends,

as neighbours,

and some days,

I am so sad,

filled with fatigue,

and then the hope,

helped by sunshine,

beams again.

I don’t sleep well,

it affects my thoughts,

my dreams.

Georgie is acting weird,

well, weirder than usual.

He too,

is feeling ,


It’s as if he is saying,

Fergus, not Georgie,

is it ok to come out?

Am I welcome,

out among you?

Are things ever,

going to be ‘normal’ again?

I think we are all tired,

we are all weary,

we can all use a good cry,

followed by a face licking by Fergus.

Happy Spring,

Good Holy week,

hang in there,

soon, the vaccines,

for us younger folks(wink),

Stay safe, stay warm

Later girls,


A Year Like No Other

So, yeah,

it has been a year like no other.

A helluvah year.

There are years,

you remember always,

milestone years,

years of joy,

years of sorrow,

March 2020 to March 2021,

has been a year that defies,

labels and descriptions,

it is a year,


like no other.

The pandemic,

mom being weak and then sick,

and then passing.

A year of confinement,

a year of noise,

from the renovations upstairs.

A year of Zooming,

a year of Georgie,

being stressed out,

being sick.

My hair has gone greyer,

my face has more droop,

a few wrinkles,

that were not there,

a year ago.

My heart is heavy,

with all the losses,

this year has brought.

But, the cold air of March,

the strong winds,

the deep blue skies,

the fireball sun,



soon, there will be,

no snow,


there will be flowers,


the exhausting work,

of culling,

of parting with the past,

will be done,


I will have,

a new apartment,

lighter and brighter,

sandwiched between,

metaphorically ,

two good friends,

in my space.

Soon the birds will sing,

every morning,

soon the most hopeful,

of seasons will be upon us,


New life,


love and hope,


socialising and,

the light,

replacing the dark.

Stay safe, stay warm,

be well.

Later girls,


The Key Is…

photo credit Vicki Archer

Hello all!

I tell ya,

it has been a helluvah week.

I was off from work,

this week,

and I haven’t stopped.

So much going on,

the move,

the culling and giving away,

I am truly blessed,

with the help that is offered,

and I have accepted,

and will continue to,

benefit from the kindness of friends.

I am busy,

and like most of you,

I juggle many balls,

in the air,

at the same time,

the key is…

not dropping,

the glass ones.

We all juggle many balls,

some are,

the plastic bouncy types,

some are,

hard rubber,

and some,

very few,

are glass,

these chip, break,

shatter even,

if dropped.

These balls,

or plates or pins, whatever your preferred juggling apparatus may be,

are the most important,

they are,

your family,

your friends,

your relationships,

to a lesser extent,


job and finances,

you have to keep them up,

protect them,

but, everybody has a few chips,

in their crockery,

it’s like grey hair and wrinkles,

it’s life,

wear and tear,


but, we need to maintain,

look out for those,

hairline fractures,

lest they become,


I know that over the last few,


I have dropped a few balls,

and if I neglected anyone,

or anything,

( an almost certainty)

I apologize.

I am managing,

I do, however,

drop things,

and sometimes,

it’s the only thing,

I can do.

The grieving , the moving,

are processes,

I am moving forward,

I am happy with how things,

are developing.

I just gotta keep my balls in the air.

Stay safe everyone.

Later girls,


Dads and hard choices

My Dad and I, late 60’s

Good morning everyone.

it is a beautiful sunshinny morning,

here in my beautiful ugly.

I am off this week,

Spring Break is vacation for me.

I think you all know,

I am moving,

at the end of April.

So, right now,

I am giving things away.

I am sending clothes to,

various charitable organizations,

I am pairing down,

dishes, linens,

eventually books,


I am culling,

and of course everyday,

means going through things,

that remind me of my mom


and my dad.

I don’t talk much about,

my dad.

He was a complex man.

Depending how long you had,

known him,

you might find him,

extremely charming,

or really not.

The last ten years,

or so,

of my dad’s life,

were full of conflict,

depression, ill health,

and addiction.

He was argumentative,

and he could be,

and was,



He was very far from,

the man I knew,

in the photo at the top of the post.

My dad,

had a horrible childhood.

He made many,

questionable choices,

in his life,

we all do, they just don’t always have, the same consequences.

The best choice he ever made,

was marrying my mother,

she was his champion,

she loved him,

totally, passionately,

and unconditionally.

Dad and I had,

an excellent relationship,

until I became an adolescent,


I stood up to him,

and questioned his opinions,

his choices,

I grew angry at him,

and I saw my mother,

suffer and I suffered,

from the result of those choices,


the very real ugliness of,


Of course, I also,

loved my father,

he knew lots of things,

he knew lots of people,

he was charming,

he was handsome,

he was smart.

but, he was also nasty,

he would pick fights,

at Christmas,

with family,

with my friends,

for years, I wouldn’t,

bring friends home,

because I always wondered what kind,

of mood he would be in.

My dad died at fifty-eight,

of a massive coronary,

it was his third.

My mother became a widow,

at fifty-six,

she survived him,

by twenty-three years.

I have complicated feelings,

about my father.

I am in my fifties now,

I’ve made some meh choices,

in my life.

I understand much more,

about addiction,

I know that,

people who have,


are people who are,


pain, abuse, past horrors,

dad talked some,

about his childhood ,

but never, all of it.

I suspect it was too painful,

and he,

like many men,

of his generation,

probably thought,

he would have come off,

as weak,

admitting pain,

asking for help.

I have long suspected that,

writing about my father,

warts and all,

would exorcise a few of my demons.

Of the emotional types,

of the types who can’t sustain,

a committed relationship,

the ones who sabotage,

said relationships.

I couldn’t write about these,

things while my mother,

was alive, I don’t know if I can,


but I will try.

My father wasn’t a monster,

he did not beat me,

he did not abuse me,

he tried to make me tough,

to equip me for a difficult world,

he loved me,

he messed me up,

a little but, I know,

he did the best he could,

with what he had.

I wonder is it ok,

to write, to tell the story of our parents?


I think it is, it is after all,

it is,

our origin story.

I don’t really tell lies,

I am like my mom,

that way,

I sometimes embellish,

to protect people’s feelings,

but I don’t lie.

As I embark on this journey through,

the past,

I do wonder if I should,

but I think I must.

To be clear,

I don’t write about this to,

solicit sympathy,

I have heard people’s stories,

so many much worse,

than mine.

I do this for me,

so I can finally love,


as she deserves to be,


Later girls,


Reading, Reflecting and Culling

Hello all,

March is right,

around the corner,

soon we will be done,

with this Winter,

can’t wait!

I have been so busy,

work, workshops, committees,

busy me.

I have adopted a new attitude,

towards Georgie,

waking me up,


I am embracing the time.

I am reading an hour or so,

every morning,

before I get started on emails,

and work.

Much better than waking up mad.

In February,

I have managed to read:

1.Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard,

the founder of Patagonia,

2.The Year Of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion,

3.The Bookseller’s Diary by Shaun Bythell,

4.Cat Stories by James Herriot,

I have almost finished,

The Professor and The Madman by Simon Winchester,

I am currently making my way through,

Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched The World,

and All Creatures Great and Small.

The is a thematic here,

books about cats,

books about bookselling,

books about grief.

Creatures I love,

an occupation I adored,

and something I am experiencing.

The Year Of Magical Thinking,

was a gift.

What an amazing book it is,

It really helped.

Reading someone else’s ,

experience of grief.

The someone happens to be,

a brilliant writer,

not a counselor or a professional, telling you what it is normal to feel,

Didion, shares,

raw, naked,

the experience.

There is research and quotes,

she is s writer,

after all,

a damn good writer,

who observes human nature,

foible and folly,

including her own.

It is the highest recommend,

I can give it.

I feel the same way about ,

Cat Stories,

Herriot the vet,

the lover of cats,

such a gift,

for telling a story.

Bythel’s Bookseller Diary,

had me laughing out loud.

I know these people,

these customers of his,

they were mine as well,

the good, the bad, the ugly…the smelly.

He is a total grump,

and I believe,

a second hand bookseller,

needs to be a grump.

I don’t know if it will be everyone’s,

cup of tea,

but it was exactly mine.

Let My People Go Surfing,

was a surprise to me.

It has been on my radar,

for quite some time,

I had seen it on many,

must read lists.


is a man of passion,

a man of principle,

his views on commerce,

and the environment,

are compelling,

I can tell you,

that I will think more closely,

before buying something,

and about disposing of it.

His book is not preachy,

it is very honest about,

what needs to be done,

and how we can do it,

it is also about following,

your bliss,


fighting for what is worth fighting for.

Another strong recommend.

Books and work,

have really helped me,

as I go through the culling process,

giving away, going through, packing up.

It is joyful,


it is damn hard.

Just wanted to check in and share,

what is going on with me.

Stay safe, stay warm

Be well.

Later girls,


Virtue or Pride

February, the cold month, brrr.

I woke up this morning,

coughing and congested,

it was 5h45, way too early.

I tried to roll over,

and get another hour,

which is what I had planned,

but, no can do.

I got up,

sucked on a lozenge,

blew my nose,

washed my hands,

fed the cat,

put water on for tea.


with my tea,

sat with my thoughts.

The Fishermen’s Friend,


things cleared up.

I saw the blue sky,


welcome sunshine:-)

One of the advantages,

of not sleeping super well,

is that I see the sun come up,

I see the morning,

no rushing.


I had an odd thought.

The weirdest things,

set me to thinking.

I looked in the mirror,

and thought,

‘you need a trim, my friend’.

I stripped down to my underwear,

if you keep your clothes on, you end up covered in little pesky hairs, no bueno.

got out my clippers,

put on the 10 mm guard,

and ran the clipper over my head,

front to back,

brushed out the hairs,

attached the 6 mm guard,

did the neck, behind the ears.

Put my glasses back on,

I was quite satisfied.

When I trim my hair,

I feel satisfied,

I feel …

dare I say it,


What started out as,


hairdressers and barbers,

being closed,

has become,

just an additional step,

in my grooming regiment.

But, why do I feel virtuous?

It’s not about saving money,

I have invested in quality tools,

not professional but good,

and to be honest,

my hairdresser didn’t charge that much.

I guess,

I feel proud,

learning a new thing,

doing it pretty well,

better and better ,

each week.

Makes me feel more,


To be clear,

I am not building,

my own shelter,

I am not growing,


what I eat,

but, I feel less dependent,

I feel more,

yes I can,

you know?

So Maybe it isn’t so much,




I am proud I have learned,

to clip my hair,

a useful skill.

I learned many things,

over my 55 years,

not all as useful.

Perhaps 2021,

will become the year,

of useful skill acquisition,

hmm, food for thought.

Be well you all.

Later girls,


All around me

Good Morning everyone.

Grey snowy day,

here in my beautiful ugly.

Busy day ahead,

first day of our,

Just Write Journaling Club,

at work.

I do a lot of work with seniors,

and I often wonder what sorts,

of things would appeal to my mom.

Mom wasn’t a game player,

nor was she big on sharing,

her feelings,

I don’t get it from her, ha ha

but, she loved learning new things.

It’s been five months.

I wonder what she would think,

about what’s going on in my life.

Mom knew I loved my job,

she knew I always fretted if,

I was doing a good job,

she, of course, never wondered,

she had complete faith in me,

in my abilities.

Many times in these past,

five months,

I wished I could consult her,

share something with her,

read something to her,

argue with her,

kiss the top of her head,

as I helped her into bed.

I wish I could tell her I am,

moving into my friend’s triplex,

that my best friend will be upstairs,

and her mother,

also a dear friend,

will be downstairs,

that my fear of,


rational or not,


I know she would be happy,

I know she would tell me,

I am doing a good job,

of culling,

our combined belongings.

I think she would encourage me,

to take time for me,

to live my life.

I believe that sometimes,

she thought she was stopping me,

from going forward,

she wasn’t , ever.

I miss her presence,

I miss her love,

but, really ,

it is here, all around me.

Rest well Marthe,

I love you.

Later girls,


Work, Workshop and Wordplay

Me , 2021 version

Hello to you,

all my wonderful people.

I hope you are,

all doing well,

I hope you are,

all staying warm,

I hope you are,


joy and peace.

in this new year.

I’m doing ok.

Trying new things.

I won’t say that,

the restrictions,

the curfew,

the limited,

social contacts,

the long grey,

January afternoons,

haven’t been,

getting to me,

it has,

they have,

but what you gonna do, eh?

So, I am trying,


outside of my comfort zone.


complacency breeds,


boredom breeds,

feeling blue,

and feeling blue,


not wearing blue, that rocks

I am lucky to,

work at something,

which is constantly,



that works different muscles.

I have also started,

a storytelling/writing workshop,

it is run,

by a local organization,

that helps kids express themselves,

through the written word.

Just the name was enough,

for me to fall for it,

it’s called -Suspicious Fish


The group I am in,

is an adult group,

but we do mingle with kids,

at the beginning and at the end.

I don’t have a lot of,

interaction with kids,

this provides a little.

I write a fair bit,

but, work stuff,


this blog,

I need something,

to push me out of,

my rut,

my comfort zone.

I need to play,

with words,

craft and hone.

Our facilitator is great,

she is a poet,

a fellow cat lover,

a positive person.

I have had,

two Saturday mornings,

with Suspicious Fish,

and I love it,

it gets my weekend off to,

a positive start.

My girl thinks I should,

share the poem,

I wrote the first week,

but I think I will wait.

The chili I cooked is,

calling to me,

and tonight is game night on,


Stay warm, stay safe,

call a friend,

call your family,

have some fun,

learn something,

say I love you,

keep it new,

and above all else,

be you,

the kind,

the funny,

the sweet,


Later girls,


Hope, on a cold January day

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well.

I have a very busy day,

ahead of me,


I want to take some time,

to share,

some of,

the thoughts and feelings,

I have had in the past few days.

It’s been a busy January,

it’s been a hard January.

Some things have helped,

books have helped,

watching Netflix and PBS,

has helped.

Having dinner with my friend,


whittling down obligations,

has helped.

I find that I need to concentrate,

on the things that are most,

important to me.

I hate to,

but, I feel,

I need to be,


my energy reserves are low,

and I need.

to use them for,

my work,

my healing,

for becoming me,

the me that,

will emerge from,

the pandemic,

from the grief.

In: The Year Of Magical Thinking,

a memoir of losing her husband of 40 years and her only daughter, with only a few months in between

Joan Didion provides much insight,

Until now I had only been able to grieve, not mourn. Grief was passive. Grief happened. Mourning, the act of the dealing with the grief, required attention. (page 143)

This book has helped,

watching All Creatures Great And Small,

has helped,

doing work things has helped.

And yesterday,

that awful man,

leaving the White House,


but, even more,

the swearing in of,

a kind compassionate man,

a capable brilliant woman,

as Vice President,

the America the world loves,

front and center,

once again.

The ugly is still there,

the racism, the greed, the hate,

the me me me ism,

but, it is no longer,

in the oval office,

no, it is,

replaced by people,

who’s life is about service,

about empathy,

about faith,

it’s a new day,

as Nina Simone sang,

feeling good,

might be pushing it,

but, I am certainly,

feeling better.


on this cold snowy,

January day.

Be well you all,

stay safe,

wear your mask.

Later girls,


The First Week !

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year!

What a week it has been!

Armed seditious insurrection,

on and in the Capitol in Washington,

what a crazy freakin world we live in!

The pandemic rages on,

killing so many of us,


Here in Quebec,

as of today,

tighter restrictions,

and quasi total lockdown,

are being implemented,

we even a have a curfew!

Yes, I am aware that I have thus far used 6 exclamation marks, thanks for noticing!

My sweet Georgie,

my big ginger cat,

pictured at the top,

has been ill,

required a visit,

to the vet’s,

tests, meds,

special diet,

cost quite a bit of money,

and that’s ok,

because I want my chubby boy to,

be better,

and he will be.

All this to say,

2021 has gotten off,

with a bang!

This week, I felt a lot of,

stress, pressure,

and wondered if I would,

get through it.

Of course I did.

My friends, helped,

they listened,

my bff,

drove me to the vet’s,

twice in two days.

Friends, acquaintances,

kept inquiring as to,

Georgie’s condition.

At one point I thought,

he can’t die,

I can’t handle that,

I was being dramatic, there was no real danger of death, I am prone to drama, it’s who I am, sometimes.

I can handle,

hard things,

they are hard but,

I can handle them.

I have felt so tired,

in the last few months.

After my mom died ,

people kept asking me,

how I felt,

and I would say:

sad and tired.

And now, I still feel,

sad and tired.

I have accumulated fatigue,

I have recent fatigue,

I am angry,

I am lonely.

I am grieving,

I miss my mom,

I miss my life,

and sometimes,

I can’t see the forest,

all I can see is that big,

honkin’ tree that I seem,

to be headed for!

So, I need to stop,

to breathe, to look around,

I need to regroup,

cut out the extraneous,

keep to the essential.

I am alive,

I am safe,

I have a home,

I am loved,

by friends,

by family,

by the cutest ginger cat ever.

And, you all are all those things,


except for the ginger cat, he’s my chubby boy🙂

Hold strong everyone,

we will get through this!

Be well,

stay safe,

stay home,

love each other,


take care of each other.

Later girls,