

it’s a complex notion,

it isn’t just,

brick and wood and mortar,

plaster and concrete,

it is so much more.

This new place,

feels like home,

it is light and sunny,

it is both old and new.

I am surrounded by people,

I care deeply about.

I have culled and purged,

I have kept what I love,

what I use,


what I cannot bear to part with.

I have been so blessed,

throughout this process,

by help,


of family, friends,

loved ones.

And, I confess, I am proud,

of myself,

of this long process,

of hundreds of decisions,

of moving.

I have no regrets.

I am creating a home,

for me, for my cat.

I am home.

Be well, you all

Stay safe, get vaccinated

Later girls,


Georgie, doesn’t like moving

Good morning everyone.

I was up very early this morning,

and it wasn’t,

Georgie who woke me.

It was my mind,

spinning endlessly,

with all the things still left to do.

Last night my friend, Ken,

helped bring down the garbage,

there was quite a bit,

two recycling bins and

five large garbage bags,

don’t judge, some things can’t be recycled.

But, this morning, my brain said,

what about the fridge??

So at five-thirty,

I was up emptying jars,

and stuff pushed,

to the back of the fridge.

After that, I fed Georgie,

and made myself a tea,

I am sitting now,

in front of my laptop,

and in a bit,

when my tea,

and this blog post,

are done,

I will pack what is left,

I have today and,



and I have a list,

not long, not short,

a list,

my mother taught me about lists.

And then there is Georgie,

he will be fine,

but, right now,

he is wandering around,

he often has this,

Wtf look on his face.

Soon, it will be done,

can’t be soon enough,

for him or me.

I doubt I will have,

the time or the inclination,

to write in the next few days.

Wish me luck,

pray for me,



Stay well,

stay safe,

get vaccinated.

Later girls,


Books, lots of books

Two days left.

I know for many of you,

the people who move,

a lot.

You probably can’t see,

what the fuss is about,

moving is no big deal.

In my case, it is a big deal.

I have lived in this building,

more than thirty years.

I am soon to be fifty-six,

that is a massive chunk,

of my life.

I have done lots,

but, there is still much to do.

I thank God for,

all the help I have.

for the precious friends,

and family.

Today I am bringing all,

the rest of my clothes,

what is left in the kitchen,

tools, picture frames,


that the movers,

have appliances,

furniture and boxes of books.

There are many boxes,

of books,

to move.

Not nearly as much as,

there used to be,

but, still lots of books.

It is the one thing,

I have culled and culled,

and I still have a ton,


are my weakness,

my treasure,

and one of the major reasons,

I need to hire,


It has been a year,

of change,

of upheaval,

of sorrow,


a new home to,


a beautiful clean,

buttercream bare,


Be well, stay safe, get vaccinated.

Later girls,


The Last Saturday

Early Saturday morning.

I have fed and cuddled the cat.

I am adding milk to my tea, it occurs to me.

This is my last Saturday in this building.

Next weekend, I will wake in my new flat.

I will make tea in my new kitchen,

I will have a different view,

from my breakfast table.

Change is hard for humans,

and cats.

Change is inevitable.

I won’t lie,

the moving part,

the thousands of,

moving pieces part,

it’s stressful.

I thought I would feel more,

nostalgic than I do.

I love the new place,

I stand in it,

and feel the good vibes,

it’s empty and I love it.

The light,

the buttercream colour.

I have lived in this building,

for thirty years,

many happy memories,

but lots of tension,

the downstairs neighbours,

are awful people,

every time I drop something,

I expect pounding on the ceiling,

When Georgie cries out,

he has a very high falsetto,

I worry about complaints,

I have lived with tension,

for years.

I am not an inconsiderate person,

I don’t walk in shoes,

I don’t do laundry after 7 pm,

I try.

I have also endured,

close to nine months of renovations,


So leaving, moving,

may be a colossal task,


it is a worthwhile one.

I look forward to not being woken,

by fights at 6h00 am,

I look forward to peace.

Living in city flats,

built over 70 years ago,

you don’t expect silence,

or total quiet,

but I look forward,

to a little civility,

in my Saturday mornings.

Have a great one you all.

Stay safe, get vaccinated,

Later girls,


Being Grateful

Good morning everyone.

It’s April,

yesterday it snowed,

not an uncommon occurrence,


in my beautiful ugly.

Still chilly this morning.

The sky is the same,

pale blue colour as,

this page.

Yesterday, was a busy day,

stop and start,

juggle ideas,

don’t drop the glass balls,

kind of a day.

At the end of the day,

I was talking to,

someone special.

She said to me,

something to the effect,

that I was lucky to have,

all the help that I have,

that there seemed to be,

this spontaneous,

groundswell of help,

around me.

I am paraphrasing, I wasn’t taking notes, but I believe that was the gist of it.

and you know…

she is absolutely right.

In this last year,

by all accounts,

such a terrible year,

I have,

in my difficulties,


in my grief,

been so blessed and supported.

I mean from family and friends,

but, also from acquaintances,


from people I barely know.

In this year that has taken,

so much from so many,

this year, that took,

Marthe, my beloved mother,

that took so many loved ones,

from so many.

This year,

that messed with our lives,

that confused and scared us,

that rocked most of us.

In this year.

So many people,

have rallied,

to help,

each other,

to be there,

and for all of you,

who have reached out,


cooked, driven, lifted,

and continue to lift,

made phone calls,

sent cards,

extended hands,

gloved hands,


through masks,

all those who have,

waved fees in the name,

of friendship and community.

God bless you,

I hope you know who you are.

I love you,

I am grateful.

Thank you.

Have a great day.

Seven more days.

Be well, stay warm,

get vaccinated.

Later girls,


An uncluttered life

My soon to be office space, in buttercream (the paint company calls it barley water, I think buttercream sounds better)

In nine days,

I will be moving,

I am packing,

and on,

Friday and Saturday,

I have help, people driving,

me, lifting,

boxes of kitchen stuff,

clothes, wall hangings and stuff ,

over to the new place.

I still want to cull,

it still feels like,

I am going to clutter up,

my new place.

I don’t want to do that,

I want to unclutter my life.

I don’t want to win awards,

for minimalism,

and I appreciate,

lots of books,

and a lived in,

non antiseptic space.

But, I am sick,

of never,

having a clear work surface,

I am sick of vacuuming,

around stuff.

I want to unclutter my life.

I want to breathe,

I want time and space to think.

I have a job, I love,

that I find fulfilling,

it is also intensely,

social, and in the pandemic,

social means,

Zoom and company.

I want to have a haven,

where I can put the phone,

on the charger,

turn the computer off,

sit in a chair and read,

go for a walk,

talk to someone,

a friend, in person,

I want to unclutter,

my environment,

so I can unclutter,

my mind,

so I can unclutter,

my life.

I am so looking forward,


Clutter be gone!

Have a good one,


stay safe,

get vaccinated.

Later girls,


So Many thoughts

New flat, front room, being painted and bathed in light

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all well.

Been seven months since,

my mom passed away.

She is missed.

In thirteen days,

I will be moving into,

my new flat.

Every time I visit it.

I feel so good about it.

There is peace,

in it’s rooms,

people have been happy,


have lived and loved,

in it’s rooms.

People I love will be,


and bellow.

They are family,

not of the blood ,

but family, still.

So many thoughts,

vying for my attention,

so many things to do,

many working pieces,

and sometimes,

I have to say,

I feel a bit panicky,

and then I tell myself,

that I am the same woman,

who liquidated an entire,

bookshop in six weeks,

that I lived through,

the death of my dear mother,

organized her funeral,

in a pandemic.

That I got this,

and that so many,

family, friends,

have my back.

One of the last things,

my mom said to me,

was- I know you’ll be ok, you are loved.

It is true, I am loved, I am blessed,

I am full of gratitude,

and anxiety, trepidation.

I need to keep breathing,

I need to tame the thoughts,

I’ve got this!

Thank you all for ‘listening’

Be well, stay safe, get vaccinated

Later girls,


Monday Morning

Monday morning,

bright and early.

I actually got up before,

chubby boy this morning,

had a pee,

without an audience,


The start of a busy week.

So much to do,

seventeen days to,

the move.

I got my vaccine last week,

made me sore, feverish,

for a few hours,

and tired for a few days.

Still I managed with much,

help, to bring a load of things,

to the new apartment,

and to go out St-Sauveur,

in our Laurentians,

to buy some cheap old patinaed,

kitchen chairs.

This week I need to pack,

most of my clothes and my linens,

I will be moving those on,

Friday with my friend Kathy,

who has the sunniest disposition,

and a big SUV.

On Saturday,

my cousin is coming,

with his two eldest sons,

we will be delivering,

mom’s bed to a friend,

and bringing,

the living room furniture,

to the eco centre,

Friday and Saturday,

will be big days.

In between I have to pack,

my clothes,

make a path through,

house so this stuff,

can go out.

I have been dreaming,

of packing and moving,

for weeks, I don’t mean,

day dreaming either.

I have been worrying,

not getting enough sleep.

Have I forgotten something?

Do I need extra help?

On the day of the move?

Will Georgie be ok,

overnight at Denise’s?

Will he wake her?

Will he howl?

Will he pee on stuff?

All things that worry me,

and over which,

I have so little control.


But, there is also so much good stuff,

a new apartment,

freshly painted,

with lots of sunshine,

with lots of storage,

a purged set of belongings,

a new start,

a new life.

Monday morning,

and sun shinning through my window.

Have a great week you all.

Stay safe.

Later girls,


I Am Vaccinated!

It is done!


in the late afternoon,

I was vaccinated at,

the Palais des Congres.

in the Chinatown of,

my beautiful ugly.

I am so relieved,

I am so grateful.

I am so happy,

that many of my,


my fellow 55 plusers,

decided to get vaccinated.

We are doing it to save,

our lives,


to save the lives of others.

I am so grateful to the,

competent, smiling, lovely,


who administered,

the dose of Astra Zeneca,

I am grateful,

that my government,

has made it available.

and yes, I am aware that I have used the word grateful three times, but, that is what I feel…. gratitude

This morning,

I have a little,

muscle soreness,

nothing serious.

I will look out,

for anything odd,

over the next,

couple of weeks.

I did my research,

I weighed the risk,


and I got the jab,

as the new vernacular puts it.

I urge all,

who can be vaccinated,

to be vaccinated.

I know that some people,

have health concerns,

but, ethical concerns?

rights violations?

I don’t get,

to me they give into fear,

and frankly ignorance.

Vaccines are the miracle of medicine.

They have and do save lives,

millions of lives.

By the size of the lines,

all around the city,

people are taking advantage,

of the opportunity,

if we can get to,

80 percent vaccination,

we can get herd immunity.

I don’t consider myself,

a blind follower,

a nameless sheep,

I have opinions,

I voice them,

but, I believe,


in self preservation,

and social solidarity,

I always have,

I hope you all do,


Stay safe, get jabbed.

Later girls,


In 24 Days…

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all ,

have had,

a good,

Easter break.

I did,

saw some friends,

lots of church,

lots of culling.

It is now Monday,

late morning,

the neighour’s dog,

is barking,

I am attempting,

to drown her out,

with Pablo Cassal,

playing Bach on his cello,


she is a sweet dog,


a barker.

Still, I will miss her,

and I will miss Andre,

and a few others.

You don’t live,

over 30 years,

in a building,

without making,


I am a social person,


not one who visits,

with the neighbours.

Still…30 years.

I am not sad about,

the move,

I am excited,


Closing the door,

on a large part of my life,

opening a new one,

a pretty stained glass one,

to the next phase of my life.


my life isn’t,

completely changing,

I am still working the same job,

I am still living in the same,


I will be closer physically,

to some friends,

and marginally further,

to others.

I am planning,

where things will go,

I am trying to imagine,

they best way to install,

my possessions,

in the new place.

I am wondering how,

Georgie will feel.

I am getting,

a new couch,

a few rugs,

some blinds,

I am considering,

a new stove.

But, mostly,

I am moving on,

from a complex,

special part of my life.

A part of my life,

where my mom,

was the most important,

person in my life,

and I,

in hers.

We cohabitated ,

for 12 years,

but, the last 2,

were different,

than the others,

I became,

her caregiver.

It is to date,

the hardest,

most rewarding,

deepest love,

experience of my life.

It was challenging,

for both of us,

to deal with changing roles,

but, the love and trust,

that we had,

grew stronger.

I miss mom terribly,

and yet, I know,

it was her time,

that she is,

in a better place,


with so many people,

she loved.

So, this is my time,

to chose, what I want,

to buy,

what will please and serve,


The woman who’s photo,

appears at the top of this blog,

is different,

than 2 years ago,

she is more grey,

the eye circles are deeper,

she is tired,

she is hopeful.

She needs to be,

the most important person,

in her life,

at least for a little while.

In just 24 days,

I move to my new home.

I can’t wait

Stay safe you all,

enjoy Spring/

Later girls,